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    Class levers have the resistance force between effort and fulcrum?
    C'est exact! Class 2 levers have the resistance force (load) between the effort force and the fulcrum . Voici une ventilation:

    * Class 1 Levers: Fulcrum is in the middle, effort and resistance forces are on opposite sides (e.g., seesaw).

    * Class 2 Levers: Resistance force is in the middle, effort force is on one side, and fulcrum is on the other (e.g., wheelbarrow).

    * Class 3 Levers: Effort force is in the middle, resistance force is on one side, and fulcrum is on the other (e.g., tweezers).

    Key Characteristic of Class 2 Levers:

    * Mechanical Advantage> 1: This means you get a greater output force (resistance) than the input force (effort) you apply, making it easier to move heavy objects.

    Let me know if you'd like to explore more about levers or other simple machines!

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